Evidence Based Groepstherapie
Analytische/psychodynamische Groepstherapie
Bipolaire stoornis
Burnout (Dysthymie)
Factsheet groepstherapie
Huiselijk geweld
Jong Volwassenen
Non-verbale groepstherapie
Obsessief Compulsieve Stoornis
Sociale Angst Stoornis
Rosendahl, j. et al. (2021). Recent Developments in Group Psychotherapy Research. Am J Psychother 74:2 7?1–75. doi: 10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.20200031
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Burlingame, Jensen, J.L. (2017). Small Group Process and Outcome Research Highlights: A 25-Year Perspective International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67: Special Issue 194–218
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Burlingame, G.M. Strauss, B, Joyce A.S. (2013). Change mechanisms and effectiveness of small group treatments. In: Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy behavior change. Sixth Ed. Edited by Michael Lambert
Lees samenvatting
Burlingame, G.M. Strauss (2021). Efficacy of Small Group Treatments: Foundation of Evidence Based Practice. In: Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy behavior change. Seventh Ed. Edited by Michael Barham et al. p.583-624.
Verslaggevers Willem de Haas en Rob Koks.
Lees samenvatting
Evidence Based Groepstherapie
Analytische/psychodynamische Groepstherapie
Bipolaire stoornis
Burnout (Dysthymie)
Factsheet groepstherapie
Huiselijk geweld
Jong Volwassenen
Non-verbale groepstherapie
Obsessief Compulsieve Stoornis
Sociale Angst Stoornis
Rosendahl, j. et al. (2021). Recent Developments in Group Psychotherapy Research. Am J Psychother 74:2 7?1–75. doi: 10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.20200031
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Burlingame, Jensen, J.L. (2017). Small Group Process and Outcome Research Highlights: A 25-Year Perspective International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67: Special Issue 194–218
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Burlingame, G.M. Strauss, B, Joyce A.S. (2013). Change mechanisms and effectiveness of small group treatments. In: Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy behavior change. Sixth Ed. Edited by Michael Lambert
Lees samenvatting
Analytische/psychodynamische Groepstherapie
Blackmore, C., Tantam, D., Parry, G., and Chambers, E. (2011)
Report on a systematic review of the efficancy and clinical effectiveness of group analysis and analytical/dynamic group psychotherapy. Group Analysis, vol. 45(1) pp 46-69
Lees samenvatting
Heinzel, R., Breyer, F. Klein, T. (2000). Outpatient Psychoanalytic Individual and Group Psychotherapy in a Nationwide Catamnestic Study in Germany. Group Analysis, 33 (3) 2000 pp. 353-372.
Lees samenvatting
Schwartze, D., Barkowski, S., Strauss, B., Burlingame, G. M., Barth, J., & Rosendahl, J. (2017). Efficacy of Group Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder: Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 27. Advance online publication.
Verslag: Ton Haans
Lees samenvatting
Bipolaire stoornis
Macheiner, T., Skavatzos, A., Pilz, R., & Reininghaus, E.Z. (2017). A Meta-analysis of adjuvant group-interventions in psychiatric care for patients with bipolar disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders. 222, 28-31
Verslag: Mark van der Meer
Lees samenvatting
Weiss, R. D., et al. (2007). A Randomized Trial of Integrated Group Therapy Versus Group Drug Counseling for Patients With Bipolar Disorder and Substance Dependence. The American Journal of Psychiatry,164,1
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Burnout (Dysthymie)
Sandahl, C., Lundberg, U., Lindgren, A., Rylander, G., Herlofson, J., Ake Nygren, A., Asberg, M. Two Forms of Group Therapy and Individual Treatment of Work-Related Depression: A One-year Follow-up Study. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 61, ( 4), 2011.
Lees samenvatting
Tom J. Johnsen and Jens C. Thimm (2018). A Meta-Analysis of Group Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy as an Antidepressive Treatment: Are We Getting Better? Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie canadienne, 59 (1), 15–30 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/cap0000132
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
A brief Group Cognitive- Behavioural Program fort the prevention of depressive symptoms in Chinese college Students.International Journal of Group Psychotherapy volume 66, nr 2, p291-307
Verslaggever Willem de Groot
Lees samenvatting
J. Hummel et al. (2016). AIDE Acute Illness and Depression in Elderly Patients. Cognitive Behavioral Group Psychotherapy in Geriatric Patients With Comorbid Depression: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. JAMDA, 3, 1-9
Verslaggever: Walther van Lieshout
Lees samenvatting
Ming-Shung Chung, Juia-Hsin Tse, Chieng-Cheng Kuo, Peing-Ein Lin, Ta-Jen Chang (2014). Therapeutic effect of Dynamic Interpersonal Group Psychotherapy for Taiwanese people with Depressive Disorder
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 64 (4), 537-545
Lees samenvatting
Mulcahy, R., Reay, R. E., Wilkinson, R. B., & Owen, C. (2010). A randomised controlled trial for the effectiveness of group interpersonal psychotherapy for postnatal depression. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 13(2), 125-139
Lees samenvatting
Grenon, R., et al. (2017). Group psychotherapy for eating disorder: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 50, 9. https://doi.org/10.1002/eat.22744
Verslag: Paul van Kessel
Lees samenvatting
Maxwell, H., Tasca, G. A., Grenon, R., Faye, M., Ritchie, K. Bissada, H. & Balfour, L. (2017). Change in Attachment Dimensions in Women with Binge-Eating Disorder Following Group Psychodynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Research, DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2017.1278804
Verslag door Monique Leferink op Reinink
Lees samenvatting
M. E. Gallagher, G. A. Tasca, K. Ritchie, L. Balfour,H. Bissada (2014). Attachment Anxiety Moderates the Relationship Between Growth in Group Cohesion and Treatment Outcomes in Group Psychodynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Women With Binge Eating Disorder Group Dynamics : Theory, Research and Practice, 18, 1, 38-52
Verslag door Monique Leferink op Reinink
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Factsheet groepstherapie
Gepubliceerd door de NVP. Op basis van beschikbaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek biedt het een overzicht van de huidige bewijskracht ten aanzien van de effectiviteit ervan bij volwassenen.
Lees de factsheet
Huiselijk geweld
Santos, A., Matos, M., Machado, A. (2017). Effectiveness of a Group Intervention Program for Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. Small Group Research, 48, 1
Verslag: Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Jong Volwassenen
Hauber, K., Boon, A., & Vermeiren, R. (2019).Therapeutic factors that promote recovery in high‑risk adolescents intensive group psychotherapeutic MBT programme. Child Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 13(2)
Lees samenvatting
Non-verbale groepstherapie
K. G. Dietrich, M. F. Prout, B. A. Boyer, S. E. Yoder (2016).Effectiveness of Group Music Therapy in a Psychiatric Hospital: a Randomized Pilot Study of Treatment OutcomeInternational Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 66, 4, p592-613
Verslaggever Willem de Groot
Lees samenvatting
Obsessief Compulsieve Stoornis
Amparo Belloch , Elena Cabedo, Carmen Carrió, Héctor Fernández-Alvarez, Fernando García, Christina Larss (2011). Group versus individual cognitive treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Changes in non-OCD symptoms and cognitions at post-treatment and one-year follow-up. Psychiatry Research 187, 1–2, (15), 174–179
Lees samenvatting
Rebecca A. Anderson, Clare S. Rees (2007). Group versus individual cognitive-behavioural treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45 (1), 123–137
Lees samenvatting
Schwartze, D., Barkowski, S., Strauss, B., Burlingame G., Barth, J., & Rosendahl, J. (2017). Efficiancy of Group Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder: Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 21, 2, 77-93
Verslag: Ton Haans
Lees samenvatting
McLaughlin, S.P.B., Barkowski, S., Burlingame, G.M., Strauss, B., Rosendahl, J. (2019). Group Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized-Controlled Trials. Psychotherapy, 56(2), 260–273. https://content.apa.org/record/2019-13723-001
Verslag: Paul van Kessel
Lees samenvatting
Conrad, Sankaranaryanan, Lewin and Dambar (2017). Effectiviness of a 10-week group program bases on Dialectical Behavior Skills among patients with personality and mood disorder: Findings from a pilot study. Australian Psychiatry, 1-5.
Verslaggever Walther van Lieshout
Lees samenvatting
A. Fjeldstad, P. Hoglend, S. Lorentzen (2016). Presence of Personality Disorder Moderates the Long-Term Effects of Short-Term and Long-Term Psychodynamic Group Therapy: A 7-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 20, 4, 294–309
Verslag Monique Leferink op Reinink
Lees samenvatting
Kvarstein, E.H., Pedersen,. G., Urnes, Ø., Hummelen,, B., Wilberg, T., Karterud, S. (2015)
Changing from a traditional psychodynamic treatment programme to mentalization-based treatment for patients with borderline personality disorder – Does it make a difference? Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 88, 1, p 71–86,
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Gutteling, B. M., Montagne, B., Nijs, M., van den Bosch, L.M.C. (2012). Dialectical behavior therapy: is outpatient group psychotherapy an effective alternative to individual psychotherapy? Preliminary conclusions. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 53
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Joan M. Farrell et al., A schema-focused approach to group psycho-therapy for outpatients with borderline personality disorder: A randomized controlled trial, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (2009)
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Schwartze, D., Barkowski, S., Strauss, B., Knaevelsrud, C., & Rosendahl, J. (2019). Efficacy of group psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Psychotherapy Research. 29, 415-431.
Verslag: Mark van der Meer
Lees samenvatting
Sociale Angst Stoornis
Barkowski, S., Schwartze, D., Bernhard Strauss, B., Burlingame, G., Barth, J., Rosendahl, J., (2016). Efficancy of group psychotherapy for social anxiety disorder: A
meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 39, 44–64 Verslag: Ton Haans
Lees samenvatting
Bjornsson, A.S., Bidwell, L.C., Brosse, A.L., Carey, G., Hauser, M., Mackiewicz Seghete, K.L., Craighead, W.E. (2011). Cognitive- behavioral group therapy versus group psychotherapy for social anxiety disorder among college students: a randomized controlled trial. Depression and Anxiety, 28 (11), 1034-1042.
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
Lees samenvatting
Uliaszek, A.A., Rashid, T., Williams, G.E., & Gulamani, T. (2016). Group Therapy for University students: A randomized controled trial of dialectical behavior therapy and positive psychotherapy Behaviour Research and Therapy, 77, 78 – 85.
Verslag: Mark van der Meer
Lees samenvatting
Nyhuis, P.W., et al. (2018). Effectiveness of Psychoanalytic-Interactional Group Therapy vs. Behavioral Group Therapy in Routine Outpatient Treatment of Alcohol-Dependent Patients. Subst Use Misuse 23;53(3):426-431 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29016275/
Verslag: Paul van Kessel
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