Group versus Individual Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Rebecca A. Anderson, Clare S. Rees (2007). Group versus individual cognitive-behavioural treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45 (1), 123–137
Verslaggever Willem de Haas
The efficacy of group cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has received relatively little research attention compared with the large number of studies that have investigated individual CBT. The current study is the first controlled study to compare an identical CBT protocol, containing both cognitive and behavioural elements, delivered either individually or in a group. 51 participants were randomly assigned to either 10 weeks of individual CBT (17 persons) 10 weeks of group CBT (20) or a 10 week wait-list (14). Participants with significant rates of secondary comorbidity were included in the study to enhance the generalisability of results. Intention-to-treat and completer analyses were carried out and indicated no differences between the group and individual treatments on outcome measures. Large effect sizes were found for both conditions. Analysis of clinically significant change indicated that the individual treatment was associated with a more rapid response but that both treatments had equivalent rates of recovered participants by brief follow-up. The importance of further investigations of the efficacy of group CBT for OCD is discussed.
Wat betekent dit voor de groepspsychotherapie en nvgp
Een gedegen RCT die laat zien dat individuele CT even effectief is als een CT groepstherapie voor de behandeling van Obsessief Compulsieve klachten. Het enige verschil is dat individuele CT iets sneller tot resultaat leidt dan de CT groepstherapie. Maar bij een follow-up na 10 weken waren de eindresultaten gelijk. Er staat niks over kosteneffectiviteit in het onderzoek, maar aan te nemen is dat bij gelijke resultaten de groepstherapiebehandeling van OCD voordeliger is.
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